Explore Kashmir Explore Nature Rediscovering Nauseri Village: Beneath the Waters of Hydroelectric Progress

Rediscovering Nauseri Village: Beneath the Waters of Hydroelectric Progress

Once a vibrant hub, Nauseri village now rests beneath the calm waters of the reservoir, a silent testament to the region’s hydroelectric transformation. This submerged landscape holds countless memories, where homes, bridges, and roads once stood, now giving way to clean energy production.

The image captures the suspension bridge that once connected communities, standing tall above the water while remnants of the past peek through the surface.

Modern infrastructure and sustainable energy have reshaped the area, but the legacy of Nauseri lives on beneath the reservoir — a fusion of history and progress.

#NauseriLegacy #HydroelectricPower #DamEngineering #WaterManagement #SubmergedVillage #KashmirExplorer

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